18. Invention, Intellectual Property and Income

This week we worked on the licenses.

Description of the work process of the week18

WIPO is a global organization in charge of intellectual property, this United Nations body provides support to society to protect intellectual property. It also organizes cooperation programs and strengthening the capacities of all countries that use intellectual property for economic and social development. Here in Mexico, the person in charge of regulating intellectual property is the IMPI Institute of Intellectual Property.

All literary, artistic or scientific materials are copyrighted from the moment of their creation. This implies that only the author can take advantage of them (distribute them, modify them, publish them, display them in public, etc.) exclusively for a certain period. To use the work during that time, the express authorization of the author is required. Once this period has expired, the work will enter the Public Domain and may be used freely, as long as the authorship and integrity of the work is respected. After doing a little research, I came to my instructor who suggested I use Creative Commons licenses.

Creative Commons (CC) licenses are a simple method that allows us to share our content with other users without requiring permission or payments. Likewise, we may use CC-licensed third-party materials free of charge, as long as we comply with the license terms. Below we will explore more about these licenses. They are very easy to use, you just go to their website, fill out a form and that's it, you are generating your license.

Useful links

